Monday, May 19, 2008

Dogs and the Order of Things.

Why is it that women with those little dogs, (A) always ignore the big "No Dogs Allowed" sign on the door and (B) are always the most obnoxious customers?

The Order of Things
Barista: Hello.
Customer: Hi.
How are you?*
Barista: Fine, how are you?*
Customer: Good. Can I get a small cappuccino?
Barista: Yes/Sure/Ok?etc...
(Barista makes cappuccino)
Barista: That will be (insert dollar amount here)
Customer: Ok. (Gives money, barista gives change.) Thank you.
Barista: Thank you, have a good day.
Customer: You too/Thanks.

The above should be how a normal transaction goes. It's not.
Please see below.

Barista: Hello.
Customer: Small Cappuccino.
Barista: Ok/Yes/Sure/Etc....
(Barista makes drink)
Barista: That will be (insert dollar amount here).
(Customer shoves money in barista's hand, barista gives change.)
Barista: Thank you.
(Customer is already gone.)


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