Thursday, March 20, 2008

"They Gotta Move Christmas to July" or Why Chicago O'Hare Sucks or A Few Notes on Midwest Holiday Travel

So F'ing tired, and I haven't even done anything.

Damn, it's snowing...again. Only today. Delay my flight back to NYC, not to Michigan! I have plans in Michigan that I would rather not miss.

At least I'm getting food. I won't be as cranky, hopefully. I HAVE to make that flight! But, on the other hand, staying in a hotel is not the worst thing that could happen...the logistics of all of this amazes me!

Why is that girl glaring at me? It's disconcerting and obnoxious.

There is nothing so cliche as a mid 40s woman sitting in a restaraunt by herself drinking a maritini, maybe she was put there for my amusement!

And I though I was frustrated. At least I am not traveling with a baby AND a toddler! They will most definately be on my flight though, sitting, if not next to, behind me...kicking my seat.

Boy, I certainly would have killed someone by now if I hadn't quit smoking. Why is it that they trap smokers inside under these stressful circumstances. O'Hare should really have at least 100 smoking rooms!

The important thing is to think positively, if there is a gate change, or two or ten it can always mean that there is a plane at that gate!

Yelling really doesn't ever accomplish anything. I think that is the most important thing to take from all of this.

Why would a hotel that has guests that leave at 5am in the morning have DECAF cinnamon tea in the lobby rather than good 'ol fashioned coffee?

It's amazing how being cranky and irritable after a day of stressful waiting can make you cry, for no reason. And why is waiting so tiring?

After all of the chaos yesterday a clam seems to have swept over O'Hare. It's quieter and there are less people. Everyone has gotten rest and now we will try to get to where we are going again. Hopefully it works this time and hopefully I can get to NYC tomorrow wothout any trouble and I can get my bag before I leave.

I hate men who think it's ok to wear socks with sandals.

I like that flight crews say things like "I'm just waiting for a plane" like, "I'm just waiting to use that pen" or "We are just waiting for a crew."